Rank: Lance Corporal
Unit: 4th Battalion, The Queen’s Own Royal West Kent Regiment, British Army
Awarded: 26th March 1945
Nationality: British
The citation in the London Gazette of 20th June 1944, gives the following details:
In Burma at Kohima on 8th April, 1944, Lance-Corporal Harman was commanding a section of a forward platoon. Under cover of darkness the enemy established a machinegun post within 50 yards of his position which became a serious menace to the remainder of his Company. Owing to the nature of the ground Lance Corporal Harman was unable to bring the fire of his section on to the enemy machine-gun post. Without hesitation he .went forward by himself and using a four second grenade which tie held on to for at least two seconds after releasing the lever in order to get immediate effect, threw it into the post and followed up immediately. He annihilated the post and 'returned to his section with the machine-gun. Early the following morning he recovered a position on a forward slope 150 yards from the enemy in order to strengthen a platoon which had been heavily attacked during the night. On occupying his position he discovered a party of enemy digging in under cover of machine-gun fire and snipers. Ordering his Bren gun to give him covering fire he fixed his bayonet and alone charged the post shooting four and bayoneting one thereby wiping out the post. When walking back Lance-Corporal Harman received a burst of machine-gun fire in his side and died shortly after reaching our lines. Lance-Corporal Harman's heroic action and supreme devotion to duty were a wonderful inspiration to all and were largely responsible for the decisive way in which all attacks were driven off by his Company.
Additional Information
A plaque is displayed on a house in Shrewsbury Road, Beckenham, Kent.